Heart, Seoul & Mind

My study abroad in Korea

Friday, June 3, 2011

Best & Worst Day Ever - Part I

구포 왜성 Japanese fortress 구포 왜성 Japanese fortress
구포 왜성 Japanese fortress 구포 왜성 Japanese fortress
구포 왜성 Japanese fortress 구포 왜성 Japanese fortress
구포 왜성 Japanese fortress
구포 왜성 Japanese fortress

This last Wednesday was a crazy day. Because Kenwood and Victoria (whose "couple name" we've decided is Kentoria) stayed home to get Victoria some medical attention, there were only seven of us and Dr. Peterson. We all piled into the rented van and stopped at the bank to get some money for Dr. Peterson. Two hours later we were still sitting in the van outside the bank. There was some problem with the bank not letting him withdraw money from his account. FINALLY we got out of there and went to Home Plus for lunch. I had Toast (토스트) which in Korea means a toasted white bread sandwich with egg, cabbage, jam, savory sauce, pickles, and your choice of other fillings (ham, bulgogi, cheese, pizza sauce, vegetables, etc.). It's delicious and cheap! It was just a super ironic morning because we spent a good 3-4 hours just a few minutes from the hanok where Kentoria thought we were going all the way to Yandong (얀동) which was a 3 hour car ride away. Because we blew our morning with financial issues, we decided to head up to Gupo (구포) and Ulsan (울산) to see some nearby sites.

Our first stop was to Gupo where we saw the remains of the old Japanese fortress used during the Japanese occupation of Korea. The photo with the rock wall is most of what remains.

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About Me

I'm a Senior at BYU studying Genetics and Biotechnology. Graduation is just around the corner -- time is flying by! This blog is for all my friends and family around the world who want to keep up with what I'm getting up to.
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